At Tingvalla Bygg we have always the customer in focus, and meet up with highest quality. I can now say, by own experience, that the people from Redstone do the very same! meets all our requirements we had when we initiated the work to increase our web presence! We can now easily publish content on our web, which automatic is shown on our front page; there are links and content with images targeting various customer projects. This certainly increases the confidence from our customers. E.g. that customer actually can see the result from previous and current construction-sites for Tingvalla Bygg.
Redstone has built our new web identity incredible fast and to a low cost. Much cheaper then we expected was possible. We met our web-designer at Redstone on a Friday and processed our needs in a first meeting. These was formalized into various requirements. Following step was to sketch out the structure and site flows. After that point; a design was defined using Tingvalla Bygg’s logos, colors, texts and images. Seven days after the first meeting, we ran acceptance test and got education for the new site. Among other we learned how to work as a publisher for content at our site. The site documentation we got is something to lean on if we get unsure how to manage the system. E.g. how to handle backup routings for database. We also got a guide that had been adapted to our deployment with technical information as well as a guide how to maintain the system. All site-content is stored in database, it will be easy in future when we like to adjust layout and form for the site.
We are very pleased with our future-safe site and can without doubt recommend other small- and mid-sized companies the same Open Source System CMS and Redstone!
Marcus Eklind, CEO at Tingvalla Agentur & Handels AB
Phone: +46 54-405 00 55,